The new and improved cast list! Links provided for those who have diaries/websites, which will be marked with a **.

Intimate Contacts

Brandon** - I saved his description for last, not quite sure how I could describe Brandon. He�s my everything, my life partner. He�s sweet [when he wants to be, heh], gentle [also when he wants to be, if you catch my drift], loving, funny, intelligent, sexy as hell, and, in a word, perfect. I love everything about him from his modesty to his corny jokes. No one in the world is quite like my Punkin. He�s also known [to me] as: Aihito, Pissy Punkin, Grumpy Gus, Baby/Babe, B-Chan/-Kun, Honey, Darling, Sweetie/Sweetheart [in sarcastic situations]. We�ve been dating for about fifteen months.


Ben - Jay's son. He and Landon get along famously, and I am always babysitting them during the summer.

Bev and Larry - Landon�s grandparents, and mine once upon a time. Larry is awesome, and never treated me as a �step-granddaughter.� I always felt welcome and loved in his presence, and I still do. Bev, however...she never liked my family except for Landon since he is a �true� grandchild. She made my mother�s life hell until she and Rod (Landon�s dad) divorced, and always treated my brother Britt and I like burdens.

Bonky � My Bonky! She�s my grandmother on my father�s side, and one of my favorite relatives. I tell just about everything to her, and I can say just about anything around her. She�s awfully funny, and is an addict to shopping. We�re all a bit worried about her, though, because she doesn�t take care of herself the way that she should. She has extremely high blood pressure, but that never seems to concern her. I feel rather sorry for her, because her children (my dad and his sister, Feen) are constantly at war with one another and, at this point in time, her daughter won�t even talk to her. The only person she has left in life to take care of her is my father. That would be enough to drive me insane.

Britt** - He�s my older brother, currently eighteen years old. He goes through periods of indecisiveness when he can�t quite fathom what it is that he truly believes. He was racist for a couple of weeks, but now he�s not again. He just hates everyone. He and I have a rather strained relationship at time, and it seems as though it�s a �love-hate� type of thing. He was quite the bully when we were growing up, and in a way he still is. He�s very protective of me, however, and would never allow anyone else to hurt me in any way, shape, or form.

Charlie � My uncle and Laurie�s husband. He was one of the coolest men I had ever met, a person that anyone could love. He was also one of the very few African-Americans in my family, but we didn�t think of him in terms of being �black.� He was just Charlie, he was a part of the family. He passed away this last summer due to cancer, and he will be greatly missed.

Daddy - Even though I don�t have much of a relationship with him, it�s still an unbreakable habit to call him �daddy.� My mother calls him a sperm donor, as he has never been much of an actual father. My childhood memories of him are never positive. I will say this about him, though: he�s got one hell of a sense of humor, and he definitely knows how to get on my good side even when I am angry beyond all imagination. In other words, he�s a manipulator.

Danny - My awesome little brother. Imaginative, and indescribably funny, he�s got to be one of the weirdest people ever. I have good memories with him, however, and he brings out the child in me. He�ll be 15 this coming October, and he�s already got fuzz growing in on his lip/chin. He�s also got a chest hair that he named Jeffrey. Unfortunately, the reason that Danny and I get along so well is probably the fact that he lives out in Idaho and so he and I don�t see each other that often.

Grandma and Grandpa Ebert - My mother�s mom and step-dad, and what a pair. Grandpa controls everything that Grandma does, especially since Grandma�s brain surgery so many years ago. It left her a different person, a dependent and needy person. She is the sweetest woman in the world, however, and very affectionate. Grandpa�s...well, Grandpa. He isn�t one for showing much affection, but you know he loves you anyway.

Feline - My dad�s sister. She�s a bit on the loony side, and no one knows what she will do next. She is an a war with my father and grandmother ever since my grandpa�s death this past summer because they 1.) never came to see him except when they wanted something and 2.) caused him unnecessary stress, which ultimately helped the cancer kill him. She likes me, though, because I went all the way from Iowa to Idaho for the funeral.

Jay - My mom's husband, and a pretty funny, intelligent sort of man. Not always the most honest, but apparently he's changed now. So who knows?

Joseph** - Christy and I's baby, also known as Orion Brian Ryan when he is in her possession. He's our bundle of joy. <3

Joyce - My twenty-something year old cousin. She lives in a small Podunk town with her fianc�, Jay, and her two children Sandra and Mikia. She�s been through a lot in her life, including two druggy husbands, rehab, and getting kicked out of several homes. She�s pretty well on the straight and narrow now, however. Almost.

Landon � My other younger brother who is nine years old until June 29th. He travels back and forth between our house and his dad Rod�s house, so I get to see him at least half of every week. He and I don�t communicate that often, despite the fact that we reside under the same roof. He�s a sweetheart, though, and unnaturally nice for a little boy. He�s going to break hearts one day, I guarantee it. He�s a bit of a pansy sometimes, and we used to wonder if maybe he would turn out gay. Jokingly, of course.

Laurie - My Oregon-dwelling aunt, on my mother�s side. She�s really awesome, although a little loud sometime. Watch out for her when she says she wants to give you love, because what she really means is that she�s going to fart on you. No joke. She has a hard time dealing with life on her own since her husband Charlie died, especially since he took care of all of the bills and finances.

Mama - What is there to say about my mother? She�s a bit crazy, I must say, and she can�t ever seem to make up her mind. She can be very forgetful, and according to a review at her workplace, she�s a bully and a know-it-all. But hey, when it comes down to it, she is one of the coolest mothers you�ll ever meet, and one of the biggest hearted people. She�s always there when you need her, when it counts the most. I get my emotional tendencies and unstable personality from her. I�m so proud.

Neil - My awesome uncle, also on my mom�s side. He�s kind of an ass sometimes, and makes fun of just about everyone.

Papa - My grandpa that passed away last summer. The most amazing, gentle man I ever met. He was the one, in fact, who allowed me to have faith that there were some decent men in the world. Always funny and calm, one could go to him for anything. He was the type of person who would do anything for anyone, even if he didn�t know �em. That�s how I remember him, even if Bonky�s memory serves her differently. (Bonky and Papa got divorced a couple of years before Papa passed away, and they really didn�t get along well after that. Or before that.)


Allie** - A friend of mine since way back in Kindergarten. She and I had a bit of a fall-out last year and have slowly but surely progressed beyond it. Despite the fact that we don�t communicate much, she still knows me better than most. That�s what 11+ years�ll do. She�s a very abrasive, straightforward person and has a killer temper.

Amy - A friend of Brandon�s that I had the pleasure of meeting almost 2 years ago. She�s uber nice, and made me feel quite welcome down in Murray. Even if I don�t like small towns that much.

Amy - The other Amy, Jon�s girlfriend. I don�t think she likes me all that much. Either that or she is simply threatened by me; whenever Jon admits that he has been talking to me, she gets rather angry at him.

Anna** - I�m not sure how long I have known of Anna, but I really started to talk to her last year. She has taken part in a couple of my get-togethers, including my birthday party and Johnny marathon. I had to give an impromptu sex ed. Lesson because of her and Catherine.

Ashley** - A �friend� of Brandon�s originally. She and I didn�t particularly like each other for a long time, especially because of the shenanigans that went on between the two. She and I get along much better now, however, and we have apologized to each other for past comments/insults.

Brittany** - Brandon�s sister, and the epitome of a cheerleader. The first one that I can say that I like, actually. Her diary sort of reminds me of a soap opera, but it�s always a fun read and she�s a definitely interesting person.

Casey** - Casey is the registered peacekeeper of her group of friends, and it�s quite apparent why. She�s very sensitive and caring, and will sometimes go beyond creepy stalker-ish methods to make someone happy. Kidding.

Cat** - Catherine, Cat, etc. She took part in my marathon as well, and I believe she enjoyed herself despite the sex ed. Lesson. She�s dating David Counts, who I am starting to think hates me.

Chris - Ah, the infamous Chris. One of the funniest, most quick-witted people I have yet to encounter. Every time I am around him or talk to him, I end up crying because I am laughing so hard. I also enjoy him because he�s such a great friend to Brandon, and anyone who treats my honey right is okay with me.

Christy** - I think I have known Christy round about three years as well, possibly more. We�ve been spending more time in each other�s company lately, though, and she is becoming one of my best friends. She�s the kind of person that will always be there when you need her, no matter what.

Devin** - He�s cuh-razy. He likes techno and rave music and supplies me with plenty, however, so I am quite satisfied. It�s always fun to have mini-conversations with him before 6th period.

Em** - My bestest diaryland buddy. She�s quite open about her life, and she and I talk about rather interesting topics. Like panties. I go to her for advice concerning Brandon and other such things, and she asks me about sex. Yay!

Emma** - She�s crazy, too. Just about everyone on this list is. She makes up something called the square with Allie, Casey, and Kendra. Emma�s a genuinely spunky, happy girl who can always cheer you up when you�re down.

Emcee Dizzle - My Honors European History teacher for my sophomore year, Mr. McDermott. Christy and I drive him insane, and constantly ask him to godmother our child. So far he has refused. We also asked him to be in our movie, "The Fat and the Furious." He accepted that job.

Hannah - Hannah moved to Ankeny from Colorado last year, and has become part of my little group o� friends. She loves animals [in the healthy way], and is one of the couple of vegetarians that I know. I say good for her. She�s on the Talon staff with me and also hates David Baker.

Herbert - Also known as Count Herbert, he is my fanboy. He looks like Johnny Depp and has Johnny's money, has the personality and accent of Orlando Bloom, Sean Biggerstaff's age, and the intelligence of a dog. That makes him easy to train and very loyal.

Jeremy/Scoobeh - Where would I be without him? He used to be one of my RP buddies, now he�s just a buddy. We get love advice from one another, as well as cheer the other up when necessary. He�s mentioned that we would �make a great pair,� and in a way, we would. But I�m more than happy with what I have.

Jon** - An ex-boyfriend of mine, a southern boy. He�s still a good friend, and I go to him for advice and vice versa. We have to hide the fact that he talks to me, however, because his girlfriend is rather territorial.

Jonathan** - How to describe him? Well, I�ve known him for almost four or so years, perhaps more. Through a large majority of that time, he has been trying to convince me to date him. We go through periods of time where he won�t talk to me after I say �no� for the millionth time. Then he just starts in again. Will and his friends nicknamed him �Soapdish,� because apparently his IQ matches that of a soapdish. (I haven�t talked to him in about a year, I pissed him off pretty good.)

Julian** - Another one of my bestest former RP buddies. He�s got some very original analogies, and always makes me feel better when I am down. He�s got a great sense of humor and unmatched wit. He was nicknamed �Norm� by me once upon a time, and after that, we just clicked.

Justin - Another interesting story resides behind him. He stalked me for awhile during my ninth grade year, telling his mother that I was his �girlfriend�. Since then interesting things have transpired, but we manage to remain friends and he manages to keep his grubby paws off of me.

Laura** - She�s a Jesus Freak, to put it simply. I don�t really know how else to describe her except, perhaps, that she�s �perky.�

Luke - My homez. He and I haven�t talked much lately, although he lives right down the street. I understand, though, and I know that he�s extremely busy with show choir and the like. He�s a very lovable guy, and you can see it in his popularity. Especially with the preppy girls. Rachel...grr...

Megan - Tony! She and I bonded in PE class when we used to run around with each other, giggling up a storm. Since then, she and I haven�t talked a whole lot, but she�s always the person to go to for a laugh and a hug.

Nikki** - One of my good friends, and very odd. She dyes her hair about once a month, and has one of the more interesting wardrobes of my amigos. She had a crush on me once upon a time. Whether or not she still does, I don�t know and I don�t much care. It wouldn�t affect our friendship one way or the other.

Nikola** - He�s a very opinionated child, bless his soul. A bit cocky at times, but his heart is in the right place. Unfortunately, he and Brandon don�t exactly get along with one another.

Shelby - Megan�s best friend and, in some ways, care giver. She can be a bit harsh at times, maybe even a little cold. But she�s awesome, and Brandon seems fond of her. (Insert the green-eyed monster?)

Troy - Another of Brandon�s friends, also quite humorous. Maybe it�s because he is drunk most of the time? I�m not sure. Either way, he�s always been nice to me and although I don�t much agree with his lifestyle he has done nothing to show me he isn�t a great guy. Plus, he is also one of Brandon�s best friends and rightfully so.

Will** - �Nother ex-boyfriend, and one who didn�t feel inclined to give up on me for some time. He and I don�t talk much, and when we do he does most of the talking. He�s obsessed with music and women.

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