1. Name: Victoria Lynn Anderson

2. Were you named after anyone?: Not as far as I know. My middle name might run in the family, or some such thing, but I'm not sure.

3. When did you last cry?: Sunday, maybe? I don't think I have cried since then.

4. What is your favorite finger food?: Chicken gizzards. Mmm. Or some type of vegetable/fruit.

5. Do you like your hand writing?: It's all right, but only when it's small enough that you can't tell how bad it is.

6. What is your favorite lunch meat?: Smoked turkey breast. Mmm.

7. Any bad habits?: That's like opening Pandora's Box. I procrastinate, criticize, worry, bite my nails. I'm loud, I use foul language, I'm a pessimist, I hide, and I have a hard time trusting.

8. Most embarrassing CD on my shelf?: Um...either "Sebastian's Party Gras" or any of the BSB CD's that I still have.

9. If you were another person would you be friends with you?: Not for long, I don't think.

10. Are you a daredevil?: In some ways, I suppose it's possible.

11. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?: I once ruined Christmas, according to my dad and brother. I told my mom what we had gotten her.

12. Do looks matter?: Very little if at all.

13. How do you release anger?: Swear, yell, throw things, sleep, write

14. Where is your second home?: Bonky's <3 That'll always be my home away from home.

15. Do you trust others easily?: Extremely. Even after they screw me over. (Apparently, I haven't learned the meaning of the old saying, "Do it once, shame on you. Do it twice, shame on me.")

16. What class in school do you think is totally useless?: Oh, I don't know. I find them all to be rather fascinating I suppose.

17. What was your favorite toy as a child?: Barbie, yo. <3 <3 <3

18. Do you use sarcasm a lot?: Too much, I fear. I'm becoming more and more embittered by the day.

19. Have you ever been to a mosh pit?: Nope. Don't know that I really aspire to, either.

20. What do you look for in a man/woman?: Compassion, romance, honesty, spontaneity, tolerance, devotion/loyalty, etc.

21. What are your nicknames?: Toa/Tora, Lilly, Moonie, Pengin, Pissy Pengin, Totempole, Toto, Vicky, Beanie [Lynn], Cory-Tory, Oreo, Grandma, Ai-Chan, Angel, Audrey, Minka

22. Would you bungee jump?: If I had the opportunity to, most definitely.

23. Do you think that you are strong?: Physically, I'd say I'm pretty well off. Emotionally, it all depends on the day.

24. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: Rarely.

25. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?: Chocolate chip cookie dough or my Papa's homemade banana ice cream.

26. Shoe size?: Between 9 1/2 & 10

27. What is your least favorite thing?: Malevolence.

28. How many wisdom teeth do you have?: The typical number?

29. How many people have a crush on you?: I don't know. I don't make it a habit of asking. I know of one.

30. Who do you miss most right now?: Brandon. Papa. Danny. Baby Joseph and his gentle mother.

31. Do you want everyone you send this to to send it back?: I'm actually going to put it in my diary.

32. What color of pants are you wearing?: I'm not wearing pants, but a black skirt.

33. What are you listening to right now?: Savage Garden

34. What is the last thing you ate?: Spaghetti

35. If you were a crayon what color would you be?: Aqua marine

36. What is the weather like right now?: Cloudy and gloomy.

37. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?: Landon's dad, Rod.

38. First thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Smile.

39. Do you like the person who sent this to you?: I plead the fifth.

40. How are you today?: Melancholy. Talkative.

41. Favorite drink?: Arizona brand ice tea.

42. Favorite alcoholic drink?: Vodka or possibly that berry-flavored Jack Daniels. Mmm....

43. Favorite sport to watch?: Soccer

44. Hair color?: Dark brown

45. Eye color?: Green/brown

46. Do you wear contacts?: All the time. I hate glasses.

47? Siblings?: Two brothers, one step-brother.

48. Favorite Month?: November.

49. Favorite food?: Anything fruity and sweet.

50. Last movie you watched: "Bend it Like Beckham"

51. Favorite day of the year?: My birthday. Or anniversary.

52. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: Have I ever tried...? I wonder...

53. Scary movies or happy endings?: Both. They both make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

54. Most likely to respond?: Bob.

55. Least likely to respond?: Frank.

56. Living arrangement?: In my mother's basement. That would be lame, but I'm only [almost] seventeen.

57. What books are you reading?: "To Skin a Cat" by McGuane

58. What's on your mouse pad?: I don't have one. I used to have one that Brandon gave me with some religious thing on it...but I accidentally spilled pop on it and haven't yet washed it.

59. what is your favorite board game?: Clue or Life

60. What did you watch on TV last night?: Family Guy, Futurama

61. Favorite smell?: Bonky's perfume or Brandon's Preferred Stock cologne...mmmm.

62. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?: I hate you, school. Burn and die.

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