11:09 PM

I�m going to share with you�all of you�another online survey...thing...that I got the other day. I�m going to make slight alterations to the original format/questions, but it will be more or less the same. Also, afterwards, I have a few things to talk about, and then I�m going to bed.

Z � A of Tory

Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio. Can�t you tell? I think the basic descriptions of a Scorpio�s personality fit me rather well, particularly the �volcano waiting to erupt� bit. Read the link provided up there to see what I�m talking about. There�s an interesting bit about sex in there, as well, that I find to be at least partially, if not mostly, true.

Y - Yummy food: My very favorite food [today] is jelly beans. I�ve been craving them forever, and it�s nearing the point of obsession. At times I think my cravings for jelly beans match a pregnant woman�s midnight cravings for ice cream and pickles.

X - X-rays you've had: I�ve had X-rays on my teeth as well as my chest/stomach area when I was in second or third grade. I had pneumonia, see.

W � Wish you want granted: Ho hum...I wish I had a pony. I�ve been saying that ever since I will little. It has yet to happen. I also wish that people would just get along.

V � Vacation taken last: My trip to Oregon over Winter Break. Jolly good times had by all, I should say. I missed my home, though.

U - Unknown fact about you: I want to be a dancer. I�m serious. I kick myself every day for ever quitting ballet as a miniscule Tory, and now I am looking into starting �adult� dance classes.

T - Time you woke up: Today it was about 7:20 or so. Tomorrow it will be about 5.

S � Stuffed animal you sleep with � A little white teddy bear with a small red bow that Brandon gave me for Valentine�s Day last year - our first V-Day together. (Aww, sniffle sniffle.)

R - Reason to smile: When I am writing satirical stories, mocking anything and everything, when I am with friends, and when I am with my better half.

Q - Quote you like: �Ignorance killed the cat. Curiosity was framed.� And �Thank you for your opinion. Isn�t it time you got back into your cage?� And many, many others.

P - Phobia[s]: Being alone/abandoned, never doing anything worthwhile. Butterflies.

O - Oldest sibling: My brother, Britt Travis Anderson (18.5)

N - Number of siblings: Three brothers. Oh yes. Britt, Daniel Madison Anderson (14), Landon Lee Lorenzen (9.5)

M - Mom's name: Marsha Ann Stegner

L - Longest car ride ever: To Oregon, or possibly one of my trips around the country to see various...things.

K � K-Mart or Wal-Mart: Okay, so this one [which is a contribution of mine] is rather silly. But what starts with K? Honestly. Anyhow, I like Wal-Mart. K-Mart can kiss my white ass.

J - Job title: Bum. Slacker. Pissy Pengin. Crazy.

I - Instruments: Popsicle sticks. My voice, if you want to count that. I can snap, too.

H � Honey: My Grumpy Gus, Pissy Punkin, Better Half, Love, and future husband Brandon Michael Campbell.

G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Out of those two, I like gummy worms more. However, jelly beans still beat them hands down.

F - Favorite song at the moment: Right now, it�s �I Believe in a Thing Called Love� by the Darkness. I also like �Dreamer�s Dream� by Tom Cochrane, �Calling You� by Blue October, and various other tunes.

E - Easiest person to talk to: More or less complete strangers and Brandon.

D - Dad's name: Steven Britt Anderson

C - Career in future: Dictator/Empress of the world. Novelist.

B - Band listening to right now: Something Corporate � �I Woke Up in a Car�

A - Age: Sixteen. Quite the accomplishment, no?


Lovely, yes I know. But now we�re moving along.

This weekend was...er...interesting. I won�t go into detail too much, because I feel it�s not really worth the time. Brandon came up Thursday, which turned out to be a rather uneventful night. Except when Nikki showed up, rather randomly, at 10:30 at night. It was rather awkward.

I got yelled at on Friday because I left without telling my mom or Brandon where I would be, when I would be back, etc., and then I started a fight with Brandon because I was being pissy when I should have been proud and happy. Hence the name I received this weekend, �Pissy Pengin.� I do believe I got the short end of the stick on that deal. Brandon ended up being, at first, �Grumpy Gus.�

Saturday was �Spring Cleaning.� We all had a list of chores to do, including Brandon. That took up most of the day, but the house does look nicer. Except my room. I still need to clean that. And I still need to get supplies for my Johnny marathon. Anyhow, after we had finished cleaning Landon, Brandon and myself sat downstairs and played Vice City until Britt got home. Then Brandon and I went upstairs, watched TV, then acted as though we were going to bed. We talked online for about an hour (Brandon upstairs and me downstairs) until I upset him again, or at least started to, so I went upstairs and sat with him for awhile longer. Then we really did go to bed.

Today I went down to Murray with Brandon to attend church and, lo and behold, on the way his car started being a little monster again. Brandon was quite pissed off, and made several pointed comments to me about �finding another boyfriend tomorrow� because he made up his mind that he wasn�t going to even leave Clarke county until his car was running perfectly again. Or as it was before, he said. In fact, he made quite a few pointed, snappy comments. I didn�t pay them much attention, as I knew he was frustrated. Well, more like I tried not to pay much attention to them and stared out the window, telling myself over and over that it wasn�t my fault and that he wasn�t mad at me, just Smeagol.

Yes, I have named his car. And just now, too.

However, despite my best efforts, it did get to me somewhat. Possibly because when people get that angry (Brandon pounded on the steering wheel a couple of time and slammed on the brakes, spilling some of the coffee that I was holding into my lap) I get uneasy. It always reminds me of my father, and that frightens me. I know Brandon would never take his anger out on me physically, but...I don�t know. It�s habit to worry, I suppose.

Despite Smeagol�s best efforts, Brandon and I made it just in time for church. It was �Ash Wednesday Sunday�. Rather fascinating, I suppose; since virtually no member of the church comes on a Wednesday night except the youth group, the Ash Wednesday service is held the following Sunday, IE today.

After church, we napped until about four or so. Then we went upstairs, watched a bit of TV (Or, �Silence of the Lambs,� rather. (�Hello, Clarice!� �Quid pro quo, Dr. Lecter.�)), then got breakfast/lunch/dinner at McDonald�s. We took Brandon�s sister Brittany�s car, of course. Then Brandon and I went to youth group at his church, where he told a very brief background of Jesus� life to prepare the children for a possible viewing of �The Passion of the Christ� on Wednesday. I am going to go see it on Tuesday with Brandon, just to see what the hype is about. Just because I am going does not mean I will be a Bible-thumping, gospel-parroting Catholic schoolgirl. Got that? Good.

I�m not sure what it is about being labeled as �religious� that irks me so much. It�s like someone labeling me as part of a clique, I suppose. I don�t like being branded as something that I am not. Religious is one of those things. I�m not atheist, as I have stated before. I used to say that, perhaps, I was �agnostic.� But I�m not sure that�s quite the word that I want, either. Oh well, no matter.

I often wonder just what Brandon�s view[s] is/are on my religious...standings. I often wonder if, perhaps, he wouldn�t be happier with me somehow if I were to be �churchy.� It always slips my mind, though, and I have yet to inquire about it. I suppose if it really mattered to him that much, he might have said something on his own. Then again, if he thinks it will offend or upset me he doesn�t always share.

Time to bring in the Spanish Inquisition.

Oh, I have too, too many projects I need to work on. As it is right now, I have told myself time and again that I might just save some of them for Spring Break, and even more for the summer. I just have no drive to do anything while school is in session, sadly enough. I need to get into the habit of doing my homework before I start worrying about when I am going to work on my stories and whatnot.

I may have time for projects for awhile, however, since Smeagol (Brandon�s car, remember) has gone AWOL. Again. The thought of not knowing when I will see him, or for how long, or how often, depresses me more than you can possibly know. Maybe even more than he knows.

He�s my everything. Is it sad and pathetic to rely on his company so much? Not at all. He�s my better half. Without him, I simply can�t be whole again.


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