"That makes me angry. And when Dr. Evil gets angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset....people DIE!"

I had just written out a long entry about what I have been up to lately, what I have been thinking about...then my computer went stupid on me, like always. So I will just give the short version of that later, but for now here is another survey that Casey sent me:

1) Starting Time: 7:38

2) Full Name: Victoria Lynn Anderson

3) Nickname(s): Too many to name. My most common, however, are Ande, Toa Lynn, Beanie, Oreo, and Toady

4) School: Northview. Ahh.

5) Hair: Dark brown

6) Height: 5'9" or so

7) Eye color: Sometimes brown, sometimes green. Most of the time both, although they look brown from afar.

8) Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out: Not as far as I can remember. Heh. Actually, no. I haven't. I've never drank enough to get drunk.

9) Missed School Because It Was Raining: I wish.

10) Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement: I have been tempted to, but no...alas.

11) Kept A Secret From Everyone: A few, I'm sure. But most of the time if I think someone should know I'll tell them.

12) Had an imaginary friend: Quite a few, actually. I was a lonely child. lol...there was Duckie, the Germs, Harry, and a few others.

13) Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend: Sure, who hasn't at some point?

14) Ever Cried During A Flick: almost, during I Am Sam. But other than that, so far only books have succeeded in making me cry because of the content (including crying from shame as I read that cheezy romance novel of Allie's)

15) Ever Liked A Teacher: Haha no. that's not right. Especially since the majority of my teachers (that are male) have been in their 40's/50's, and I don't dig women. Sorry.

16) Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot: I refuse to answer this.

17)Ever Prank Called Someone: Yep. Not for a long time, but I know that at one point I thought it was quite fun.

18) Ever been On stage: Quite a few times, actually. For plays, concerts, etc.

19) Who do you love?: Mi novio perfecto, B-chan

20) Shampoo: What about her? Sorry, Ranma moment. Um...my shampoo is Back to Basics and smells like Kiwi Melon. Ah...

22) Colors: Blue and yellow, sometimes a rust-colored orange or light green.

23) Day/Night: Night, of course. That's when all the funnest things happen. Like the RHPS auction and whatnot.

24) Kind of music: Any kind, but my favorites center around soft rock, punk, techno/rave, and a few in the classic rock department

25) Lace or Satin: Satin. It's so much softer, and shiny....and comfy...>.>;;;

26) Cartoon Character: I have so many...um, just to name a few there's Stewey from The Family Guy, Butters from South Park, Freakazoid from (of course) Freakazoid! and tons and tons of anime characters.

27) Have a bf/gf: You betcha. And I plan to keep it that way, even if I have to hogtie him and hold him hostage for the rest of his life. Gwuahaha!

28) Best Friends?: Er...I'm sort of unsure about this information. My mommy for certain

29) Who's the loudest: Kendra when she's angry, but Emma or Shelby other than that.

30) Who is the shyest: Around strangers I think it would be Allie or myself

31) Who do you go to for advice: Brandon, my mom, and my brother

32) Who comes to you for advice: No one, I don't think. They're afraid of what will happen when they give me an opportunity to open my big yap.

33) Most Mean: Me!! Er...that's not something to be proud of...

34) Most sarcastic: me!! Wait...

35) Talked To Someone you have a crush on?: Yes'm

36) Done anything more than hold hands with a member of the opposite ?: Of course.

37)Hugged Someone You Liked: No, I stay at least thirty feet away. of course I have.

38)Fought With Your Parents: This is a stupid question. I'd like to meet with someone who hasn't and find out what their method is.

39) Laughed Until You Cried: You have no idea. It happens almost daily.

40) Wanted to be more than friends with one of your 'just friends'?: I don't think so, actually. Oh, wait...nevermind. Brandon was a friend before I was with him (although I think that I was very fond of him even after knowing him only a few days), so scratch that. yes.

42) Went To The Beach At Night: Yeah...oh, you have no idea how much I wish Iowa was near an ocean. *sigh*...

43)Are You Happy: You bet. I have a great life, great friends, great family, wonderful boyfriend. While things may go wrong, it would be unfair of me to complain about my life and say it is horrible when I have so many things to be grateful for.

44) Are You Talking To Someone Online: Nope, AIM is being mean to me again.

45) God/Devil: Well, seeing as how my dad is Satan and all I will go with God (heh...)

46) Love: What about it? I used to hate it, I used to think it was a waste of time and I didn't think that I was capable of being able to love someone because I'm too chickenshit and afraid of being hurt. But, as I'm sure it has become quite apparent, I have reformed my thoughts on the subject.

47) The Big Bang Theory: This could start some arguments...heh. Personally, although I hate science, I think it's a possibility.

48) Heaven/Hell: Again, considering who my father is I think I will choose Heaven.

49) Who Named You: My parents. They wanted something exotic and refined so that when I become successful one day I can use "Victoria" and sound more professional.

50) When Was The Last Time You Showered: This morning.

51) What Is Right Next to you: A lot of things. My Spanish book, my Vicious Oreo sign, my cell phone, a glass of water, a pack of gum, incense, and much, much more.

52) What Is Your Computer Desk Made of: Wood! ("Build a bridge out of 'er!""

53) How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your Buddy list?: around 50-some, I think.

54) What's the most number of people you've talked to online: 8 or so. Not too many, but enough to keep me busy. that was awhile ago. Now I only talk to 2 or 3 at once.

55) How do you eat your reeses?: I eat the edges first, then the middle. Why?

56) What kind of computer do you have?: Good question. I don't know, and I'm too lazy to look.

57) How many siblings do you have: 4 brothers. Ben, Landon, Danny, and Britt

58) How's The Weather Right Now: It's cloudy, looks like it may rain soon...just how I like it. Although sunny and warm would be good too.

59) Most annoying thing in the world: Wow...um, liars and egotistical pigs

60) Home phone/cell phone numbers: home is 963-9822, cell is 480-1983

61) Do You Eat Oreo cookies?: I love Oreo cookies. Coincidentally enough, however, my nickname Oreo did not spawn from that fact.

62) Favorite Song: I have a lot of them. A few are "Emotionaless" by Good Charlotte, "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks, "I Loved 'Em Every One" by TG Sheppard, "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails, "Dragula" by Rob Zombie, and a few of the songs by Limp Bizkit

63) Favorite food: Any fruit or vegetable, give or take a few. And sugar...mmm mm.

64) Favorite Movies: The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Shrek, The Emperor's New Groove, Lilo & Stitch, Legend, Nihao My Concubine, Totoro, many other anime movies, A Night at the Roxbury, Fight Club, Donny Darko, Big Daddy, Billy Madison (and other Adam Sandler flicks), I Am Sam, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, No Man's Land, Space Balls, and I could go on forever.

65) Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out?: I have never tried or never had to, so I'm not sure. I imagine that I would be, though.

66) If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be: Robyn. Or Lilly. Hehehe

67) Who do you have a crush on: Brandon, of course. But...when you are already dating someone, do you still have a crush on them or is it classified as something else? I never could figure it out.

68) Favorite Drink: Mountain Dew, Fresca, iced and hot tea, the occaisional coffee, milk, and lots of water.

69) Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies: I like both. They both have their perks

70) Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in person: In person. the phone just seems so impersonal to me.

71) What Will Your First Son's Name Be: I haven't got the slightest clue. I like the name Darius, but it will also be up to the father. So...I dunno. Couldn't tell ya.

72) Do you think cheerleading is a sport: I suppose so. Never really thought about it much.

73) Who are your close friends?: Nikki, Cally, Holly, Casey, Luke, and I'm not sure if Allie and Emma like me enough yet to be put here XD

74) Who would you die for?: Anyone and everyone. Almost.

75) What's your favorite thing to do?: Walk, lay out in the sun, play in the rain, camp, hike (basically things in nature), read, write, sleep...you know. The usual. watch anime, too.

76) Who could finish the end of your sentences?: I don't think anyone could. Unless it was something I have been know to say, like "Oh, my ovaries!" (that's a funny story...another I will have to share sometime)

77) Where's the next state/country you're going to?: I want to go to Japan, but I think before that I may go to Spain. As for states? I do believe I have to go to Idaho (Britt is trying to talk me into staying more than two weeks. I may break down and go for three?) and Colorado.

79) Have you ever made things up to get people to like you?: What is it with these quizzes and skipping numbers?! Geez...anyway, yes. In third grade when I moved to Dysart I was pretty desperate for friends.

80) How much would you pay to meet Britney Spears?: I'd pay to keep from meeting her. No...scratch that. I'd meet her. And I'd have a jolly time telling her exactly what I think of her.

81) What are you watching on TV or what did you last watch: Rurouni Kenshin....sigh....

82) Who did you last talk to: Casey

83) What did you eat for dinner: Chips and salsa, an apple

84) How much money do you make a month: About $20? That's why I am trying to get a job. Yesh.

85) How much money do you spend a month: About as much as I make.

86) Which of your best friends did you see most recently: Um...I saw Nikki and Jesy after school.

87) Whats on your desktop: A picture of the sleeping Pero-Pero

88) Are you a role : Er..?

89) Who did you last email: B-chan and my Bonky

90) Who last emailed you: Casey and DiaryLand, to tell me I have a new note.

91) What are you eating/What'd you last eat: I ate an apple.

92) What sports do you play: I don't play any sports, I don't really care too much for them.

93) If there's one time you could relive, what would it be?: This is a hard one...I'm not sure. there are so many. The earliest one that I can remember would be one of the times that Allie and I would play Barbies and then head outside to her "tree fort" with a small picnic of peanut butter and crackers. The most recent I would relive would be either my brother coming out of his comatose state (which was actually last year) and having the mind enough to tease me, or any of the moments I have with Brandon.

94) If there's one time you could take back, which one would it be?: Some of the stupid things that I have said in the past.

95) Do you write notes: Yep.

96) Who did you last write a note to? Who last wrote to you?: I wrote a note to Casey, and she wrote one back to me (SHE CALLED ME A PREPPY COSMO GIRL!!)

97) Do you want people to respond?: Um...if they want to? Although since this is going in my diary it could be difficult

98) Most likely to respond: I don't know.I don't know who all will read it.

99) Least likely to respond: Anyone and everyone?

100) Time ended: 8:16

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