(1) The singular most boring question: what is your name? Victoria Lynn Anderson

(2) Are you happy with it? It�s a nice name. I think I�ll keep it.

(3) Are you named after anyone? I don�t think so. My parents simply felt that �Victoria� was an exotic sounding name. I think my middle name comes from my grandmother, however.

(4) Are you ready for a long survey? I�m sure I�ll finish it over the course of the next few days.

(5) Your screenname? Bang bang, he shot me down. Bang bang, I hit the ground. Bang bang, that awful sound. Bang bang, my baby shot me down.

(6) Would you name a child of yours after you? Probably not. That�s a little narcissistic don�t you think?

(7) Then what would you name your children? Josiah Ross, Anthony Madison, and Alexandria Michelle

(8)If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be? My parents knew that I was going to be a girl so they only had girls� names thought up. They thought about naming me �Rebecca Candice� at one point.

(9) If you could switch names with a friend who would that be? I�d like to have Hainline for a middle name.

(10) Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do with your name constantly? Tori, Torey, Cory, Victor, Vicki, etc.

(11) Would you drop your last name if you became famous? Nah.

(12) Your gender: Female

(13) Straight/gay/bi? We�ll go with straight.

(14) Single? Nope

(15) Want to be? Can�t says I do.

(16) Your birthdate? November 3rd, bitch. Get me a present! o.O

(17) Your age? Nearly 17

(18) Age you act? It depends. Sometimes much older, and sometimes I act much younger.

(19) Age you wish you were? Eighteen

(20) Your height? 5�9�

(21) The color of your eyes? Brown and green

(22) Happy with it? Very. They�re perty.

(23) The color of your hair? A deep, rich brown

(24) Happy with it? I wish I still had a bit of red in my hair. When I have some extra money, perhaps I�ll dye it again.

(25) Left/right/ambidextrous? I mostly use my right hand, but every now and then I�ll try and perform some dastardly feat with my left.

(26) Your living arrangement? With my mom, Jay, and Landon [and our pets]

(27) Your family? Mom, step-dad, four brothers, various animals.

(28) Have any pets? Two dogs, a kitten, three fish, two snails, three newts

(29) What's your job? Server/CSR at Pizza Hut

(30) Piercings? A total of five extra holes in my ears and one in my bellybutton.

(31) Tattoos? Soon to be dragon on the small of my back. (My mother�s birthday present to me.)

(32) Obsessions? Oh geez. LotR, Vanyel, plastic farm sets, romance, writing, music, movies, penguins, pots, badgers, anime, dancing, etc.

(33) Addictions? Coffee, chocolate-covered espresso beans, alcohol (damn heredity!)

(35) Do you speak another language? I speak Spanish and a little Japanese. I also know a few French words.

(36) Have a favorite quote? �I�m Godzilla, you�re Japan.� Or �Life is what you make it.�

(37) Do you have a web page? I have a few diaries as well as my own personal website which I no longer update.

(38) Do you live in the moment? At times. I also dwell on the past and fret about the future.

(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? I like to think that I�m a pretty tolerant, open-minded person. Except when it comes to those who are closed-minded and ignorant.

(40) Do you have any secrets? A have a few, but not as many as I used to. I don�t consider them secrets if two or more people beside yourself know about them, and most of my secrets are known by a few different people.

(41) Do you hate yourself? Not so much, no. I�m learning to be more tolerant and accepting of myself and my shortcomings.

(42) Do you like your handwriting? It�s unique in it�s own insignificant way. Yes, I rather like it.

(43) Do you have any bad habits? I have many, the worst of which being sarcasm and cynicism.

(44) What is the compliment you get most from people? I am told quite often that I have a pretty smile or that I�m humorous.

(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? �Apathetically Emotional� or �Passion�s Slave.�

(46) What's your biggest fear? Being deserted, being a deadbeat.

(47) Can you sing? I can, and I can actually sing rather beautifully. Most often, however, I choose not to as I have a fear of performing.

(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? I can�t say that I do, Jim.

(49) Are you a loner? I prefer �introvert.�

(50) What are your number 1 priorities in life? Brandon, my family, my friends. I have three first priorities.

(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I suppose I would, if only for entertainment purposes.

(52) Are you a daredevil? When the mood strikes me. I�m more of a troublemaker than daredevil.

(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? I don�t think so. Well...that�s not true. I fear that I will turn out like my father. I fear that I will be an abusive, cynical, alcoholic hermit with no friends and no life. I hate the fact that I already have some of my dad�s characteristics.

(54) Are you passive or aggressive? It depends on the situation. Most of the time I�m pretty aggressive. Or maybe I�ve claiming that just to feel big.

(55) Have you got a journal? I have several. I am thinking about writing one with pen and paper for my super-secret thoughts.

(56) What is your greatest strength and weakness? My greatest strength is my open-minded way of thought, or perhaps my muscles of verbiage. Writing, I mean. My greatest weakness is acting or speaking without thinking. Acting on impulse, in other words, and being a slave to my emotions.

(57) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I wish I knew how to communicate with people better.

(58) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity. You can only drink out of one. Which one would you drink of? I wouldn�t drink out of any of them. My creativity will suffice for whatever task I put it to, I have love from many sources, and I�m happy with myself just as I am, outwardly and inwardly.

(59) How do you vent? I write, I listen to music and sing obnoxiously loud, I yell/scream, I rant, I throw things, I cry.

(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong? In some areas of my life perhaps I am. There are other areas, however, which are still in the weight-training phase of their existence.

(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? I regret not playing a bigger part in the lives of those who have played a big part in mine. I feel as though I have never really made a difference to anyone anywhere.

(62) Do you think life has been good so far? I�m still angry about my parents� divorce, but...No, I jest. I think life has treated me rather well.

(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? Life is what you make it.

(64) What do you like the most about your body? My smile or my eyes.

(65) And least? My booty and legs.

(66) Do you think you are good looking? A few times a week, at least.

(67) Are you confident? I am very confident when it comes to showing off my mental capacity. When it comes to my physical attributes, however...not so much.

(68) What is the fictional character you're most like? Cimorene, perhaps? Savil? Either of those could be adequately similar to me.

(69) Do people know how you feel? Almost always. My heart has permanent residence on my sleeve.

(70) Are you perceived wrongly? Definitely. I often give off the impression of being cold and unreachable when I first meet someone simply because I don�t open up right away.

(71) Smoke? Brandon would kill me if I did, and I would be killing myself if I did. The answer is no.

(72) Do drugs? Most definitely not. Unless they�re prescription.

(73) Read the newspaper? Every now and again. I read the student newspaper a lot seeing as how I�m on the staff.

(74) Pray? I don�t remember the last time that I prayed.

(75) Go to church? Once in awhile I�ll go to church with Brandon.

(76) Talk to strangers who IM you? Strangers don�t usually IM me, but when they do I usually respond.

(77) Sleep with stuffed animals? A white teddy bear that Brandon bought me for our first Valentine�s Day together.

(78) Take walks in the rain? I love walking in the rain. If it rained more often and I had more time I would do in constantly.

(79) Talk to people even though you hate them? I do that quite often. I don�t want to hurt anyone�s feelings.

(80) Drive? Yes

(81) Like to drive fast? A little too fast...

(82) Liked your voice? My voice has many pitches and tones to it, and I like each and every one.

(83) Hurt yourself? I have before, but I doubt that I ever will again.

(84) Been out of the country? Nope. I�ve never been outside of the US. I�ve been off the mainland, but that�s it.

(85) Eaten something that made other people sick? I�m sure that at one point or another I probably have.

(86) Had sex? Yes

(87) Been unfaithful? Sadly, yes. My record is tarnished, I will admit.

(88) Been in love? Yes <3

(89) Done drugs? Once.

(90) Gone skinny-dipping? I don�t think so...

(91) Had a medical emergency? I had to get stitches in my chin once, but that�s about it.

(92) Had a surgery? Never.

(93) Ran away from home? I thought about it when I was in elementary school. Never did. I was too scared of dying or being a victim of some pedophile.

(94) Played strip poker? Some of my friends and I always talked about it but never had the chance to actually execute our plans.

(95) Gotten beaten up? Nope

(96) Beaten someone up? Not exactly...

(97) Been picked on? All throughout elementary in Dysart. Southern hicks from a little podunk town made my life hell.

(98) Been on stage? A few times, you know...I�ve been anything from an old school marm to a hippie.

(99) Been dancing? I love dancing. It�s another obsession.

(100) Slept outdoors? I have slept outside many times throughout my short life. I heart camping.

(101) Thought about suicide? Oh, what teenager today hasn�t? Cripes.

(102) Pulled an all-nighter? Only a couple of times. I love sleep.

(103) If yes, what is your record? just all day & all night.

(104) Gone one day without food? I�m sure I probably have. I don�t do that so much anymore...I need sustenance.

(105) Talked on the phone all night? For a few hours, maybe, but never all night.

(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first? Yes, yes I have. (Yay to me?)

(107) Slept all day? Many times. Mm...sleep.

(108) Killed someone? Fuck no!

(109) Made out with a stranger? Not as far as I know. I�ve made out with people that I didn�t know well, but I did still know them.

(110) Had sex with a stranger? Nope

(111) Thought you're going crazy? Oh, honey. I�ve been crazy all my life.

(112) Kissed the same sex? Yes�m.

(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex? Uh...kind of? Does it count if they tried to �get all up in there� but you stopped them?

(114) Been betrayed? On a few different occasions.

(115) Had a dream that came true? Not recently, if ever.

(116) Broken the law? Criminal trespassing...

(117) Met a famous person? If only. Mm, fame.

(118) Masturbated? You really do dig deep, don�tcha? Anyway, I plead the fifth?

(119) Masturbated with something other then your hand? Again, the fifth.

(120) Have you ever killed an animal by accident? Only once. And it still haunts me. Poor animal...

(121) On purpose? Hell no!

(122) Had sex? Yes.

(123) With more then 1 person? Nope.

(124) Threesome? Nope.

(125) Orgy? I�ve always talked about having one (jokingly), but I have not as of yet.

(126) Whip cream? Nummy. Kinky.

(127) Bondage? He�s got handcuffs, but they haven�t been used yet.

(128) Whipped/gotten whipped? Sounds painful.

(129) Blindfolded? No, but good idea...

(130) Tied someone up/been tied up? No, but it sounds kinky.

(131) Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Not as far as I know. And if I have, I�m terribly, terribly sorry.

(132) Stolen anything? I used to steal little gummi bears from Fareway when I was little.

(133) Been on radio/TV? I�ve never been on the radio, but I�ve been on the news a few times.

(134) Been in a mosh-pit? Nope. I�ve never even been to a concert.

(135) Had a nervous breakdown? If only...mm, white jacket...

(136) Considered religious vocation? No. End of story.

(137) Been criticized about your sexual performance? Not as far as I can recall...

(138) Bungee jumped? No, but I really want to.

(139) Had a dream that kept coming back? A nightmare, more like.

(140) Shoe brand? It varies. I like Lower East Side, though.

(141) Brand of clothing? That varies as well. I love �Self-Esteem� shirts and Levi�s jeans, though.

(142) Cologne/perfume? Tommy Girl

(143) What are you normally wearing to school/work? To school I wear whatever I dig out of my closet, and to work I wear my uniform.

(144) How about parties? Again, whatever I dig out.

(145) Wear hats? I only have one hat, but I love it.

(146) Judge other people by their clothing? Only if it�s ridiculously risqu�.

(147) Wear make-up? I�ve actually fallen into the practice of wearing it quite often.

(148) Favorite place to shop? Hot Topic, Kohl�s, TJ Maxx

(149) Favorite article of clothing? Skirts

(150) Are you trendy? Teeheehee...

(151) Would you rather wear a uniform to school? Heck yeah. I don�t think uniforms are such a bad idea.

(152) Believe in life on other planets? Somewhere out there.

(153) Miracles? Not so much. Maybe a little. A few.

(154) Astrology? No, but it�s always fun.

(155) Magic? Yes

(156) God? In my own way.

(157) Satan? Not so much.

(158) Santa? For my little brother.

(159) Ghosts? Yes

(160) Luck? Not really.

(161) Love at first sight? Not so much, no.

(162) Yin and Yang (that good can't exist without the bad)? Definitely.

(163) Witches? I loves me some witches.

(164) Easter bunny? No, sadly.

(165) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? It�s hard, I�m sure, but possible.

(166) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? If only...

(167) Do you wish on stars? I used to when I was little, but I don�t waste my time on it anymore.

(168) Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? No, I don�t. I haven�t quite perfected what I do believe instead, however. I�m still soul-searching.

(169) Do you think God has a gender? I don�t think that God has a gender. I think that God just...is. But for sake of pronouns we�ll say �he.�

(170) Do you think that science counteracts religion? Definitely.

(171) Do you believe in organized religion? Fuck no.

(172) Where do you think we go when we die? That�s one of my beliefs that�s still in limbo and I am still figuring out.

(173) Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Yes, yes I do.

(174) Who is your best friend? Christy or Brandon. Julian�s right up in there, too.

(175) Who's the one person that knows most about you? Brandon

(176) What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? �As long as you have love, youcan never be hurt.� Or �When one door closes, another opens.�

(177) Your favorite inside joke? �Don�t say the weenie word!� or any references to Chris� silly stories.

(178) Thing you're picked on most about? My bad attitude?

(179) Who's your longest known friend? Allie

(180) Newest? Jenni? Abbi? Reiann?

(181) Shyest? Anna

(182) Funniest? Mike or Brandon or Chris or Julian

(183) Sweetest? David or Julian

(184) Closest? Brandon

(185) Weirdest? Elliott

(186) Smartest? Brandon

(187) Ditziest? Catherine

(188) Friends you miss being close to the most? I miss Sheep and Mina.

(189) Last person you talked to online? Julian and Jon

(190) Who do you talk to most online? Christy or Julian or Jon

(191) Who are you on the phone with most? Brandon

(192) Who do you trust most? Brandon

(193) Who listens to your problems? Oh geez. Brandon, Julian, Jon, Christy, Allie, Luke

(194) Who do you fight most with? Brandon or Jon

(195) Who's the nicest? Anna. She�s a bit too maternal, though.

(196) Who's the most outgoing? Fitzy or Luke or Nikola

(197) Who's the best singer? Luke

(198) Who's on your shit-list? You�d love to know, wouldn�t you? The most recent addition is Kelsey.

(199) Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? Not so much.

(200) Who's your second family? Christy�s family, probably.

(201) Do you always feel understood? Ha! No.

(202) Who's the loudest friend? Christy or Fitz and his shoutings of �penis�

(203) Do you trust others easily? I trust others rather easily, almost too easily, but I don�t let them really get to know me for several months after meeting me. It�s...odd.

(204) Who do you have the most in common with? Christy, Brandon, Casey

(205) Name one person whose arms you feel safe in? Brandon <3

(206) Do your friends know you? Sort of, I suppose. Some of them know me pretty well.

(207) Friend that lives farthest away? Julian. At least I think Texas is farther away than Tennessee...

(208) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? Not in the least bit.

(209) Do you remember your first love? Do you mean what I thought was my first love and what was actually my first love? I suppose it doesn�t really matter, since I remember both of them.

(210) Still love him/her? Yes, with all my heart.

(211) Do you consider love a mistake? Never. There�s always something to be gained from it whether it turns out to be in your favor or not.

(212) What do you find romantic? Sweet little gestures like notes, flowers, cards, massages, things like that. I also love candles and surprises of most kinds.

(213) Turn-on? My neck is my sensitive spot. I also love sensuality. And dirty-talk.

(214) Turn-off? Cockiness, when the other person is watching TV, apathy

(215) First kiss? Eighth grade, Tyler Larson.

(216) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? Um...cornered, awkward, things of that nature. I would also feel incredibly bad about having to turn them down.

(217) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"? Oh ho, I�ve learned my lesson. It�s a requirement that I know the man before I start to date him now.

(218) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? It is socially acceptable, in my opinion.

(219) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Mmhmm

(220) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? I know that Caleb does. He thinks I look like either a geisha or a librarian, depending on the day, and apparently both options turn him on. Eh.

(221) What is best thing about the opposite sex? Their smile <3

(222) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? They can be total assholes without even realizing it. They�re insensitive and self-serving.

(223) Do you read porn? No, I can�t say that I do.

(224) Read the articles? I just said that I don�t. But Brandon does. Read the articles, I mean.

(225) Just the pics? I have already said no two times.

(226) What's the best present someone gave you? That�s a hard one...I�ll have to get back to you on that one.

(227) Are you in love? Yessuh.

(228) Do you consider your significant other hot? Mmmmmmmhhmmmm

(229) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk? Um...nothing?

(230) Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? When I was little, maybe. But not recently.

(231) If you did experience that for one day, what would you do? Um...join Boy Scouts since I couldn�t when I was a little girl.

(232) What do you love most about the other gender? Their smile.

(233) What do you dislike most? Their insensitivity.

(234) What do you understand least about the opposite sex? Why they have to act so tough and macho all of the time.

(235) Honestly, what do you notice first in the opposite sex? Their hair. No joke. I like a good haircut.

(236) What is your fave possession? Various pieces of my jewelry, perhaps my stuffed animals and anime as well.

(237) What physical, tangible possession do you want most? A car. A good car.

(238) How badly do you want it? Even more than I want to go to Scotland.

(239) Have you ever seen The Exorcist? Nope. Well...parts of it.

(240) How long did it take for you to understand why the last question is in this section? This is the last question, and it�s purpose is to find out if I understood the last question...ah! A riddle! (Sorry. I�m making it more complicated than it needs to be.)

(241) That haunted you? Many people haunt my dreams. Does that count?

(242) You wanted to kill? I can�t say that I�ve ever wanted to actually kill anyone...

(243) That you laughed at? Catherine, maybe.

(244) That laughed at you? Elliott or Brandon

(245) That turned you on? Brandon

(246) You went shopping with? Brandon, soon to be Christy.

(247) That broke your heart? Jon or Brandon

(248) That disappointed you? I�m not sure. I haven�t really been disappointed in awhile. Brandon, maybe.

(249) That asked you out? Well...that would probably be Jon. Because Brandon, technically, never asked me out.

(250) That made you cry? Brandon or my family.

(251) That brightened up your day? David or Julian

(252) That you thought about? Brandon

(253 You saw a movie with? My mom

(254) You talked to on the phone? Brandon

(255) You talked to through IM/ICQ? Christy

(256) You saw? Landon and his friend

(295) You lost? Christy

(257) You went head over heels for? Brandon

(258) You thought was completely N-U-T-S? Mike

(259) You wanted to be? Me XD

(260) You told to fuck off? I told Brandon to fuck off jokingly, I think...and Jon. Not jokingly.

(261) You trusted? Brandon, Julian, Jon, Christy, etc. etc...I�m not sure who came last.

(262) You turned down? I�m not entirely sure.

(263) Smiled? After school, although I�m not sure why.

(264) Laughed? In my Brit. Lit. class.

(265) Cried? Monday

(266) Bought something? Wednesday I bought cookie dough and sweetened lime juice.

(267) Danced? At homecoming, whenever that was. Plus a few little twirls and booty shakes every now and then when a song comes on that I like.

(268) Were sarcastic? I was inevitably sarcastic a few times today, I�m sure.

(269) Kissed someone? Monday

(270) Talked to an ex? Last night.

(271) Watched your fave movie? I have a lot of favorite movies. I watched one of them last night, however.

(272) Had a nightmare? Last week

(273) Talked on the phone? A few minutes ago.

(274) Listened to the radio? After school.

(275) Watched TV? Last night.

(276) Went out? Oh geez. I have no idea.

(277) Helped someone? I helped Jenni with Blind Date...

(278) Were mean? I�m mean every day.

(279) Sang? Today

(280) Saw a movie? last night.

(281) Said "I love you"? A few minutes ago.

(282) Missed someone? All the time.

(283) Fought with a family member? I don�t remember. Probably sometime in the last few weeks.

(284) Fought with a friend? A few nights ago.

(285) Had a serious conversation? Last night.

(286) Smoked weed? Once a little over a year ago.

(287) Got drunk? I plead the fifth?

(288) Had sex? Um...I can�t remember. Seriously.

(289) Last book you read: To Skin a Cat by Mark McGuane

(290) Last movie you saw: Kill Bill Vol. 1

(291) Last song you heard: �Lovefool� by the Cardigans

(292) Last thing you had to drink: Milk

(293) Last time you showered: This morning

(294) Last thing you ate: A cookie

(295) Last CD you bought: The Lostprophets CD and the Hawthorne Heights CD. Oh, and the new Green Day CD.

(296) Last thing you bought: Breadsticks.

(297) What are you going to do? Finish up this beast so that I can post it and go lay down.

(298) Will it be with your significant other? If only.

(299) Or some random person? Er...no.

(300) What are you wearing right now? A pair of jeans, a white sweater over a maroon tanktop, white bra, pink zebra-striped underwear.

(301) Body-part you're touching right now? My elbows are resting against my sides.

(302) What are you worried about right now? Whether or not my family will disturb me when I try to take a nap.

(303) What book are you reading? I'm just about to start some new romance novel or something.

(304) What's on your mouse pad? Nothin�, I don�t have one.

(305) Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling? Sarcastically sassy and quite numb.

(306) Are you bored? Very.

(307) Are you tired? Definitely.

(308) Are you talking to anyone online? Nope. I�m on invisible.

(309) Are you talking to anyone on the phone? Nope. Brandon went to work.

(310) Are you lonely or content? I'm rather content right now, but still lonely.

(311) Are you listening to music? Not at the moment.

(312) Do you laugh when you hear the number 69? Mm...not so much.

(313) Were you lying about your answer to the previous question? Nope

(314) Do you actually know your social security number? Only the last four digits of it.

(315) Do you actually know your IP address? Nope.

(316) Do you know what an IP address is? Yes, yes I certainly do.

(317) Do you know the four-character extension on your zip-code? Nope

(318) Have you ever thought there were too many numbers floating around in our lives? Not really. But now that you mention it...

(319) Does your head hurt when you think of infinity, imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, etc? Never. I rather like them.

(320) What do you think of pi? It�s rather silly.

(321) Have you got a fave number? Not really. It changes on a regular basis.

(322) How many rings before you take the phone? Two or three.

(323) Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Most of the time.

(324) How many CD's do you have? About 100, I suppose.

(325) Mac or PC? PC

(326) How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer as long as it works? Very little. As long as it functions like its supposed to, I�m happy.

(327) Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversations? On occasion. I prefer it over talking on the phone, but I like looking at someone when I am talking to them over anything.

(328) Do you find you're different talking more through IMs than face-to-face or telephone? At times.

(329) Have you ever ended bid on something on eBay and regretted it later? Nope. Probably because I�ve never won any of my bids...

(330) How much time do you spend online each week? Quite a bit.

(331) Is the internet one of the modern things you could never live without? Yes. I heart the internet.

(332) Do you even receive snail mail letters anymore? Very rarely.

(333) Send any? Same answer.

(334) What's your fave smiley? >:D

(335) If you could meet anyone in the world, living or not, who would it be? DaVinci. Jack the Ripper. Shakespeare. Cleopatra. Abe Lincoln (was he really crazy?)

(336) Who is your idol? Mercedes Lackey

(337) What band has the funniest name? Barenaked Ladies because, you know, they aren�t ladies at all.

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