Don't try and dump water from a water bottle into your mouth unless you have good hand-eye coordination. Because if you miss...the water goes up your nose like what.

Today was an okay day. I didn't cry today.

Speaking of crying, I was absolutely pathetic last night! I'm ashamed of myself beyond any measure. I was upstairs doing the dishes, and I turned on the TV so that I could have some noise while I was up there. The only thing that I could find that was even remotely interesting was the Disney movie Cheetah Girls, so I decided to watch that. Ugh. It is one of the stupidest movies I have ever seen. And the music...::twitch::. Anyway, I'm not sure what point in the movie it was, but I just suddenly had the urge to cry. Actually, that happened a couple of times. And they were happy parts!! What the hell is wrong with me?!

Damn hormones. Ever think what it would be like if the men had these kinds of problems? If they just started crying for no reason? That would be a hoot. Yes, I am one of those people that thinks it's funny when guys cry a lot. Maybe it's because I grew up around a majority of males, and I know their tough, badass attitude and how they feel about crying. Or maybe I just like to laugh at anyone that cries an excessive amount. Yeah, that sounds about right.

Well, I think that I will finally tell you about my weekend.

So I had another run-in with the police. Yeah. Another one. I'm not really a bad kid or anything...I'm just either at the wrong place and the wrong time or I do fun, but potentially illegal, things.

Like on Saturday.

I was down in good ol' Murray with Brandon again, amusing myself with the simple pleasures that come along with a small town such as that. We managed to stay out of trouble for most of the day on Saturday until we met up with one of Brandon's best friends, Chris. Yes, the same Chris as the last time we ran into the police. Anyway, the three of us decided that we fancied a climb up the water tower since we missed out on the opportunity to the weekend before. We knew from the beginning that it would be risky; there was some sort of sale...thing going on at some unknown location in Murray, so there were policemen patroling the area around the event. They were mostly in town, however, and since the water tower is by the highway we thought we'd be okay. That wasn't the only risk, however; it was shortly after a full moon, and the inconvenient amount of light cast upon our trail was quite irksome.

The journey to the water tower was dandy, and we were only interrupted in our trek twice, both times by civilians that, luckily, weren't trying to arrest us. The nearer we got to the water tower the more and more unsure I became about the whole idea; but it was something that I really wanted to do, so I didn't say anything about it.

Upon reaching our destination, the first thing that we had to do was wait in the shadows for a small line of drivers to zoom on past. Chris was the first one to shimmy his way up to the ladder, which was ten or so feet from the ladder, I wasn't sure whether or not I could make it. The process consisted of climbing up onto a row of little boxes [for lack of a better description. damn technical mumbo jumbo], then grabbing hold of the bottom of the caged-in ladder and more or less using athletic skills to do a pull-up and slide into the round cage. I'm quite poor when it comes to pull-ups and the like, so I told Brandon that I wasn't sure if I could make it or not. he helped me, of course; we both climbed onto the boxes at the same time and he positioned himself so that I could stand on his leg and pull myself up. It actually worked quite well, except that as I was climbing up a line of cars drove by. The bottom of the ladder was well-lit, plus the moon was casting its glow everywhere, and so I'm certain one of them saw me (us). But at that moment I didn't think much of it, and resumed my climb up the long ladder.

The nearer I got to the top, the more afraid I became of falling. And the more exhausted my arms felt. I felt a wave of relief wash over me when I reached the top finally and stared to walk towards the spot where Chris was sitting, gazing out at the view. The good feelings didn't last long. I heard tires on gravel, and with a sinking feeling I looked back and saw a police vehicle pulling off on the shoulder of the highway, right by the water tower. And Brandon was still on the ladder.

Chris and myself quickly laid down, flattening ourselves against the walkway as we heard the policeman say (as he undoubtedly shone his flashlight on Brandon), "Why don't you come down here?"

It seemed like an eternity as we listened to the police (a few more had shown up) question Brandon, although we couldn't understand what they were saying. We saw flashlight beams shine above and around us, but the police were standing too close to the tower to actually see us. If they had thought to back up twenty or so feet, then shine their fancy lights, we would have been caught. But they didn't think of that, and Brandon told them that he was alone.

After what seemed like hours, Chris and I finally heard the police leaving. To be on the safe side, however, we didn't move from our safe hiding spots. Meanwhile, Brandon was walking back and forth, trying not to attract attention to himself again. It would have looked suspicious, after all, if they caught him at the water tower again. But he wanted to make sure that we were coming down. He attempted to talk to us a couple of times, but we didn't hear him until the second time when we caught, "Get the fuck down!"

And get down we did. Chris went first, and as he was doing so another police car drove by. Either they didn't notice him somehow, or chose to ignore him, because they did not stop. Nor did they send anyone else. As soon as Chris was down he gave the signal for me to do so, and I had to wait for the new line of cars to drive by before I would start. We had chosen to descend just as the rodeo/sale/whatever was ending, and everyone was on their way home. It was quite convenient, however, because I could see the lights on the horse trailers from a distant. And I didn't care if they saw me.

I climbed down as quickly as possible, bruising my shins in about ten different places in the process. Once I reached the bottom of the ladder I took the quickest possible way down and grabbed the bottom of the cage, then let myself drop. I only got a minor injury on my arm for that one, so I quickly scampered away from the base of the tower and found Chris a hundred or so feet away. We couldn't find Brandon, so we assumed that when he saw the police car he had split.

Chris and I decided we needed a story to tell the police in case they questioned us on the way back to Brandon's house. First our story was that our friend went to the water tower without us, and we had planned to meet him there and climb too. Then it slowly devolved in to us looking for a friend who had gone off to the tower by himself, then into a simple, "We're taking a walk." We didn't get stopped on our way home, however, so we didn't get to use our ingenious story.

When we got back to Brandon's house his car was gone, but his mom and Vince were home. So we explained the events to them (his mom looked rather confused when I showed up with Chris instead of Brandon), and shortly thereafter Brandon showed up once more (he had gone looking for us). He then shared with us that the police had questioned him about what he was doing (climbing the water tower), why he was doing it (friends told him that it had a pretty view, and so he wanted to see), etc. They charged him with trespassing. (Gasp! I'm dating a criminal!)

So that was my weekend. Well, at least that much of it. The rest was rather uneventful.

The Beatles rock. Not that I didn't know this before...I'm listening to them now, so I thought it would be a good time to share in my joy and love. OH! I get to do a book report some time in the near future for my English class, and guess what book I am going to choose? ::evil snicker:: MAGIC'S PAWN!!

All hail Herald Vanyel! Mwah! god. I wonder if they make Vanyel plushies....hehehe...

I found another Mercedes Lackey fan in my English class, too. Kate. She also likes to write. I like Kate.

Speaking of English, we had to make a poster today that illustrates a way the language helps us. At the top I wrote, "Language helps us communicate our feelings." And for the picture, I split the paper into two columns. In the first, I drew two stick figures, a man and a woman. The man had the caption "CANNIBAL" above him, and he had the woman's arm in his mouth. The woman was frowning unhappily, saying, "Please don't eat me. It hurts." In the second column, the picture changed a bit; the cannibal and the woman were now hugging, and it was the cannibal who looked sad. "I'm sorry," his word bubble said. The woman was now smiling, returning his hug as she said, "I still love you!"

Cheeky little devils.


Just for shits and giggles, here's a survey that I filled out about my friend Fitzy.

1. My name:
Fitz. Just Fitz. You don't have a first name. You're a loser.

2. Where did we meet?:
In the alleyway behind Bob's Stripper Mart

3. Take a stab at my middle name:
I told you. You don't have any name except for Fitz. I rule you.

4. How long have you known me?:
Ever since you were a little fetus. I watched you.

5. How well do you know me?:
I know you like the back of my sheep herding hand.

6. Do I smoke?:
Only when you get tossed into the campfire.

7. What is my favorite Color?
A nice swirl of pea green and neon pink.

8. When you first saw me, what was your impression?
Is that Katie's boyfriend? He looks like a gnome. Or maybe a leprechaun. Let's catch it!

9. My age?:

10. My birthday?:
October 31st, I bet. Pagan's New Year. Yeah.

11. house color?:
Violet. Like your psyche.

12. Eye color?
Bluish greenish brownish grayish. Like catfish.

13. Am I tall or short or average?
Haha you're short. Catch me lucky charms! That suddenly sounds dirty to me.

14. Do I have any siblings?:
Your a little leprechaun clan, of course. You multiply like bunnies on Viagra.

15. Have you ever had a crush on me?:
I don't like to share. I keep my crushes to myself.

16. Have you ever been jealous of me?:
I want your lucky charms.

17. Who am I in love with?:
Storm. And the Trix Rabbit. what can I say? I guess cereal characters have a thing for each other, since they have mutual interests and whatnot. Like hypnotizing little kids through their freakishly perverted grins on the cereal boxes.

18. What is one of my favorite things to do?:
Push musical instruments that are five times your size.

19. Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?:

20. What's your funniest memory of me?:
That one time you painted your nails pink and dressed in drag so that we could go into the hooker convention without arising too much suspicion.

21. What's my favorite type of music?:

22. What is my best feature?:
Your lucky charms.

23. What is my worst feature?:
Your hypnotic, snakelike hair.

24. Do you look up or down on me... as a person?:
Seeing as how you are a leprechaun and short and what have you, I look down.

25. Am I a leader or a follower?:
Neither. Well, maybe a leader. You are always being chased by rabid squirrels and the dysfunctional nuns that want to sodomize you with broken bottles.

26. Am I shy or outgoing?:
You're a pedophile.

27. Can you picture me dancing'?:
I met you at Stripper Mart, didn't I?

28. Would you say I am funny?:
Funny lookin.

29. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?
You're a rebel without a teddybear.

30. Do I have any special talents?:
You can turn your skin inside out and do a little Irish jig.

31. What's my best accomplishment?:
You once shat on a turtle.

33. Would you consider me a friend?:
If you pay me enough. And give me your lucky charms.

34.Would you call me preppy, ty, a homey average hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else?:
You're squirrely.

35. Have you ever seen me cry?:
Only once. It was that time when I stole your lollipop. So you were like, "Hey, that's my lollipop." and I was like, "Dude, it's my lollipop." And then you were all, "Oh, yeah, you're right. You're so cool Tory, I wish I could be like you." And I said, 'Sorry, little leprechaun, you'll never be cool like Tory." And you cried.

36. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?:

37. What is your favorite thing to do with me?:
Fluff you and make you all pretty.

38. Do I drink alcohol?:
Only virgin daiquiris.

39. Do I do drugs?:
Only when bad influences are around. Like Snuffy.

40. Have I ever been there for you?:
Only that one time when I got tossed into prison and you helped me break out by distracting the guard when you did a little jig and sang a song about lady bugs.

41. Am I fun to be with?:
Only until you start crying. BEcause you will never be as cool as I am.

42. Am I smart?:
Like cheese.

43. Do yah love me?:
If you pay me enough.

44. Name one way I have changed your life or made an impact in it?:
You made me realize that all penguins are evil, and leprechauns like to do jigs and attempt to commit suicide by shoving frisbees down their throats.

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