I know, I know. There are a few numbers missing. I got this from a forward, however, and I was too lazy to go back and try and fill it in.

1. First Name: Victoria

2. Middle Name: Lynn

3. Last Name: Anderson

4. Nicknames: Minka, Tigerlily, Hank, Clarence, Toady/Tordy, Toto, Meow-Kitty, Ai-Chan, Fluffy, Chad, Butterfly, Angel, Beanie, Toa, Cory-Tory, Princess, Robyn, Squeaky, Jenny/JenJen, Jebediah, Totempole, Squinty*, Billy, Sgt. Scruffy, Weasel, Torrence, Audrey, Cho, Oreo, Dotty the Potty, Lilly/LIlleh, Mighty Max, Ande, Bob/Sunny/Tito, Moonie, Silent Bob, Miss Thang, Tora/Toa

5. Gender: Female, babeh

6. Age: 16! Whooooo!

7. Height: 5�9�

8. Weight: Haha, nice try. Really now.

9. Birthday: November 3, 1987

10. Hair Color: Dark brown

11. Eye Color: brown/green

12. Race: cracker

13. Do You Wear Glasses/Contacts: Yep. I am out of contacts currently, so I am stuck with glasses. I have horrible eyesight.

14. Braces?: Used to have them. Don�t anymore.

15. Hair Length?: Medium length, I suppose. Just a bit past my shoulders.

16. Birthplace?: Boise, Idaho

17. Current Location: Ankeny, Iowa

18. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio (Rawr!)

19. What Languages Do You Know?: English (o�course), quite a bit of Spanish, and a little Japanese

20. Nationality?: American

21. Bad Habits?: I bite my nails and I�m too quick to judge.

22/23. Piercings You Have/Want: I want lip/labret piercings. But Brandon says no.

24/25. Tattoos You Have/Want: I want an anime-themed tattoo, probably Pero-Pero or P-Chan

26. Current Date?: It is November the seventh, technically.

27. Time?: 12:13 A.M.


28. Mum's name: Marsha Ann Stegner

29. Dad's name: Steven Britt Anderson

30. Step-Parents/Brother/Sister's names: My brother�s names are Landon, Danny, and Britt. My possible step-brother�s names, should my dad and Theresa actually wed, are Skyler, Cody, and Trenton.

33. Favorite Aunt: My Aunt Laurie or Aunt Feen

34. Favorite Uncle: Uncle Niel or Chuck

35. Favorite Grandparent: Mm...that�s hard. My Papa, probably. But if you wish to know a living one, I�m not sure.

36. Worst Relative: Eh....too many...

37. Best Relative: My mommy?

38. Do You Get Along with Your Parents?: One of them. I love my mommy. I...er...dislike my father.

39. Does Anyone in Your Family Understand You?: My mom does.


40. Got Any?: Yep, six.

41. Names?: Weatherby, Maggie, Godzilla, Napoleon, Louis, and Henry.

42. What Type of Animals are They?: Rabbit, Golden Retriever, and four newts, respectively.


43. Still in School?: Yep

44. Did You Dropout?: Nope

45. Current GPA?: 3.8 or so?

46. Favorite Grade?: So far my favorite grade would have to be....tenth, I suppose.

47. Least Favorite Grade?: Kindergarten or Eighth.

48. Favorite Teachers?: Mr. McDizzle, Mrs. Joseph

49. Least Favorite Teachers?: Mrs. Dirks...the sleezy whore.

50. Favorite Subject?: English

51. Least Favorite?: Science

52. Do You Buy Lunch or Bring It?: Neither. I usually don�t eat lunch. Although I suppose that when I do, I buy it.

53/54. Plan Any Sports/Extracurricular Activites?: HA! Actually, there�s drama and GSA. I used to be in debate, too.

55. Were you popular?: ::snorts::

56. Favorite Dance?: freestyle? Well, I like to salsa...

57. Favorite Memory?: Hm...there are probably quite a few of those, although I suppose one of the biggest ones would be any of the moments I have with Brandon.

58. Do You Go by Looks/Personality?: I go by personality first. Looks are a perk.

59/60. Ever Kiss a Friend?/Are You Still Friends?: Yes, and yes

61. Do You Smoke?: Hell nah.

62. Do You Smoke Weed?: I did once, I won�t again.

63/64/65. Ever Trip on Acid/XTC/10000 Random Other Drugs?: Nope. Wait...do expired aspirin count?

66. How Does Beer Taste?: Like ass.

67/68/69: Do you like (insert name of liquor here)?: I like daiquiris, vodka with lemon-lime kool-aid, wine coolers, wine....

70. What Kind of Cigarettes Do You Smoke?: I don�t smoke them at all.

71. Are You a Virgin?: Hehe....not at all.

72: When was the Last Time You Got Some?: Last weekend.

Would You Ever:

73. Bungee Jump: Definitely

74. Sky Dive: I want to, and I will as soon as I turn eighteen.

75. Swim with Dolphins: I would love to.

76. Scuba Dive: Yes�m.

77. Rock Climb: Yep

78. Eat Sh!t for a Billion Dollars: Um...a billion dollars, eh? Hmm...

79. Turn Your Back on Your Friends for Personal Gain?: Never. At least not on purpose.

80. Steal a Friend's BF/GF?: I hate that. I would never, ever do something like that.

81. Crossdress?: I have before, why not again?

82. Lie to the Police?: Um....I don�t think so.

83. Run from the Police?: Does hiding from them count?

84. Lie to Your Parents: Mmhmm.

85. Walk Up to a Stranger and Kiss Them?: I can�t say that I have.

86. Be an Exotic Dancer?: Ha! Haha!

87. Walk Out of a Restaurant without Paying: Um...maybe if they pissed me off enough.

88. Streak: It�s a possibility. Just to say that I have.

Your Friends:

89. Best Friend?: Brandon, Luke, Nick, etc.

90. Known the Longest?: Allie

91. Wish You Talked to More?: Allie, Emma, Casey, Erin

92. Wish You Saw More of?: Same as previous question.

93. How Many Friends Do You Think You Have?: According to my mommy, none. But I think I actually have quite a few. I�m afraid to count, though.

94. Who Drives You Insane After a While?: Katie...heh.

95. Who Can You Stay Around Forever and Never Get Sick of?: Is there such a person? Kidding...

96. Ever Lose a Good Friend because You Took it to the 'Next Level'?: Yes. Wait...no. He was never really a good friend before we started dating.

Have You Ever:

97. Flashed Someone: Yes, unfortunately. (I know, I know, I am disappointed too.)

98. Told the Person You Liked How You Felt: After awhile. I�m a bit shy.

99. Been to Michigan: Um...no. Where did this question come from?

100. Gotten Really Wasted?: Yes

101. Gone to Jail or Juvi?: Nope

102. Skateboarded?: Very little...if you count sitting on the skateboard and rolling down a small incline.

103. Skinnydipped: Not yet.

104. Stole Anything: A piece of candy when I was little.d

105. Kick My Ass for Making This so Long?: Nah

106. Kicked Someone's Ass?: Yes.

107. Pegged Someone in the Head with a Snowball: Probably.

108. Broken a Beer Bottle?: A few, I�m sure.

109. Gotten into a Bar, under-aged?: Yeah, when I used to live in Hicksville, U.S.A. I mean Dysart.

110. Kissed Someone of the Same Sex?: Yep

111. Gone on a Road Trip?: You betcha

112. Gone on Vacation without Adult Supervision?: Not yet.

113. Been to a Concert?: No ;_; I might go to one with Nikki, though.

114. Been to Another Country?: Not yet.

115. Talked Back to an Adult?: Of course.

116. Got Pulled Over?: When I was driving? Nope. When someone else was? Oh yes.

117. Got in a Car Accident?: A few different times.

118. Broke a Law?: Nothing too serious, I don�t think.

119. Given Money to a Homeless Person?: Yep

120. Tried to Kill Yourself?: Thought about it, but never tried.

121. Cried to Get Out of Trouble?: Hell no.

122/123. Kissed a friend's sibling/kissed a sibling's friend? Nope

124. Dropped Food on the Floor and Let Someone Eat it: I do that. I eat that.

Opinions - What Do You Think About...

125. Pop Music?: No originality.

126. Boy Bands?: Thank God they�re dying.

127. Flag Burning?: It�s cloth. If they want to, have at it. They�re expressing their views. As long as they are beating the shit out of people, let them burn a flag I say.

128. The War on Terrorists?: Ah, the art of meddling. I think Bush is an idiot, and we need to stop pushing everyone else around as though we were the schoolyard bully.

129. People Who Try to Force Their Opinions on You?: They can have my foot up their ass.

130. Abortion?: It depends on the situation. While I think that a woman should be in control of her body, I also think that she should take responsibility for her actions if she gets herself knocked up. In cases of rape, and certain health risks, I say it is much more justified. I mean, if abortion were to be outlawed completely, then if a woman is raped and becomes pregnant it�s like saying, �Here, since you were raped your punishment is a baby you didn�t plan for and don�t want, and will be a constant reminder to you for the rest of your life of what happened.�

131. Rock/Metal Music?: I don�t like hard shit, but classic and soft are groovy.

132. Where You'll Be in 10 Years?: I will be a journalist traveling the world, putting my own ass on the line to bring news to the world. Even though I will be underappreciated.

133. Who Will You Still Be Friends with in Five Years?: I hope pretty much everyone that I am friends with now.

What Did You Do:

134. Last Birthday?: Spent it with Brandon.

135. Yesterday?: Went to school, took a nap.

136. Last Weekend?: Spent it all with Brandon.

137. Christmas?: Spent it at home with my mom, her then-fiance Jay, Ben, and Landon

138. Thanksgiving?: Um....I don�t remember. I think we stayed home.

139. New Year's Eve?: I don�t believe I did anything.

140. Halloween?: I took my little brother trick-or-treating.

141. Easter?: I went with Brandon to Murray, since I had an incriminating mark on my neck.

142. Valentine's Day?: I spent it with Brandon and some of his friends, and then got caught in a snowstorm.

What Do You Plan on Doing...

143. Next Birthday?: Par-tay.

144. Tomorrow?: Sleeping in. Shopping.

145. Next Weekend?: I�m not sure what I will do, beyond spending it with my love.

146. Christmas?: I will be at my aunt Laurie�s house in Oregon.

147. Thanksgiving?: I will be at my cousin Joyce�s house.

148. New Year's Eve?: I hope I will be with Brandon.

149. Halloween?: I will end up taking the young one trick-or-treating again, I�d imagine.

150. Easter?: I will be at home, I would assume.

151. Valentine's Day?: I�m not sure.

The Last:

152. Thing You Ate: A salad.

153. Thing You Drank: Water

154. Thing You Wore: Brandon�s shirt, my painted jeans, and white socks that look rather gray now.

155. Place You Went: School

156. Thing You Got Pierced/Tatooed?: My bellybutton.

157. Person You Saw?: My brother

158. Person You Kissed?: Brandon

159. Person You Fvcked?: What�s fvcked? Ah well. Assuming I know what you are trying to say, it was my lover.

160. Person You Talked To?: My brother.

161. Song You Heard?: Octopus� Garden by the Beatles


163. What are you eating?: cheese and crackers

164. What are you drinking?: water

165. What are you wearing?: Spongebob underpants and a beige colored bra

166. Any Shoes On?: Do slippers count?

167. Hair: Down.

168. Listening to?: Gary Jules� �Mad World�

169. Talking to Anyone?: Nope

170. Are You Pissed I Made This So Long?: Nope

Yes or No?:

171. Vegetarian? I�ve thought about it.

172. Like Cows?: Blah-Blah!

173. Are You a Bitch?: Very much so.

174. Are You Artistic?: Sometimes

175. Do You Write Poetry?: AHHH! Not poetry!

176. Are You a Fast Runner?: Eh.

177. Can you ski?: Cross-country

178. Are You British?: I wish.

179. Do You Want to Spear Britney?: Um...in what way? If you mean would I like to kill her, then yes. If you mean would I like to do the nasty with her, then no.

180. Do Voices Talk to You?: .....wouldn�t you like to know?

181. Did You Ever Give Barbie a Haircut?: Teeheehee....

182. Are You Straight?: That�s a personal question. (hehe...)

183. Are You Stupid?: Not at all. I�m a genius.

184. Are You Insane?: Insane is an understatement.

185. Are You Short?: Brandon says that I am, but I�m really not.

186. Are You Tall?: I think so.

187. Do You Own a Hot Pink Shirt?: I used to.

188. How about Orange Pants?: I wish. Orange is a stellar color.

189. Are You Evil?: MWUAHAHAHAHA!

Random Questions:

190. What Animal Would You Be?: A panda.

191. If You Only Had to Eat One Things for the Rest of Your Life, What Would it Be?: vegetables, fruits, stuffs like that....so I could really be a vegetarian, easily.

192. Do You Remember Any of Your Dreams?: Unfortunately.

193. Do You Admit When You Need Help with a Problem?: Um....not usually.

194. Can People Read You Like a Book?: HA!

195. Biggest Fear?: Everyone leaving me.

196. Do You Talk a Lot?: Not usually. Only when I�m angry or very hyper.

197. Are You Afraid of Clowns?: Yes. That Ronald McDonald is....ugh...I don�t like the way he stares at me.

198. Do You Like Spiders?: They�re okay

199. Are You Spoiled?: In some ways, yes.

200. Are You Antisocial?: Sometimes

201. Do You See Dumb People?: Not at the moment.

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