I figured that it was about time for another entry, seeing as how it is the last day of 2004 and all. It seems odd, really�for whatever reason, I�ve been thinking for awhile now that it�s 2005 already. I�m in a hurry to grow up, maybe�?

My eager fans may be surprised to know that I don�t really have anything to shout my loud, liberal opinion about today. I�ve had the abnormal feeling of content lately, even though there are women out in the world stealing other women�s fetuses. (Did I ever mention how utterly disgusting that is? And Jesus fucking Christ, don't you think her husband would suspect something when she asks him to meet her in the parking lot of LONG JOHN SILVER'S?! "Hey, honey! I just had a baby! It's only been a few hours, but the clinic decided to let me take the baby home, anyway. Want to meet me in a fast food parking lot so that it doesn't look so suspicious that I have a baby at all? Thanks, babe. Love ya!" I didn't realize the intelligence of America was suffering that much.)

My home life is a bit of a mess, as usual, with my mother and Jay fighting quite a bit lately. They fought again last night, but it wasn�t as climactic as their fight right before we went to Muscatine on the 17th. I'm not really sure what this one was about, I tuned it out as I was playing Threads of Fate. It�s an addictive game, even if it is ridiculously easy.

I�ve found my happy place. It�s being by myself. Ever since my winter vacation started (me must be politically correct, of course), I have spent the majority of my time alone. Playing video games, reading, watching movies, whatever the activity, I�ve been in solitude all day every day. This would drive some people utterly insane, but I�ve found that as time goes on I enjoy it more and more. There�s no one yelling at me, no drama, no one making me feel like I�ll never be good enough.

But anyway, more on that tomorrow. Christy�s here now.

New Year

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