I want to be kissed. I don�t want just any kiss, I want a kiss that will knock my socks off. I want a passionate, deep kiss that will leave my knees weak and take my breath away. I want my head to be reeling as it soars up towards the heavens. I want to feel desired and special. I want to feel sexy. I want to feel loved and adored.

Is it possible to get all of that from a kiss? I think so. But I haven�t had one like that in awhile.

[Yearning for romance.]

Here�s some stuff about me.

-- Name: Victoria Lynn Anderson
-- Birth date: November 3, 1987
-- Birthplace: Boise, ID
-- Current Location: Ankeny, IA
-- Eye Color: Brown around the pupil and a ring of green around the outside.
-- Hair Color: Deep brown
-- Height: 5'9�
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty

-- Your heritage: Whew. There�s a ton. I�ve got German, Czech, Greek, French�
-- The shoes you wore today: My �Angry Lesbian Journalist� boots
-- Your weakness: Sensuality
-- Your fears: Being alone, having my arms crippled, failing to make a difference
-- Your perfect pizza: Pineapple pizza
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Publish a book before I�m thirty

-- Your most overused phrase on MSN: Kekeke
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Maybe I can squeeze in just 30 more minutes�
-- Your best physical feature: My eyes or face in general. Maybe my ghetto booty? Eh.
-- Your bedtime: Midnight or thereabouts
-- Your most missed memory: Weekly parties

-- Smoke: Nope
-- Cuss: Like a sailor
-- Sing: When I feel comfortable doing so
-- Take a shower everyday: Yes
-- Have a crush: Yep
-- Do you think you've been in love: Yes
-- Want to go to college: Definitely. Simpson then U of I
-- Like(d) high school: It�s�okay.
-- Want to get married: Eventually, I suppose. That�s still sort of a phobia of mine.
-- Believe in yourself: When the time is right.
-- Get motion sickness: Not since I was little. Wait�I still do on tire swings.
-- Think you're attractive: On certain days.
-- Think you're a health freak: Hardly.
-- Get along with your parent(s): One of them, at least.
-- Like thunderstorms: I love them.
-- Play an instrument: No. I wish I played the drums or bass guitar, though.

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: Yes
-- Smoked: No
-- Done a drug: No
-- Had Sex: No
-- Made Out: Sort of.
-- Gone on a date: Sort of.
-- Gone to the mall?: Yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreo: Mmm�no.
-- Eaten sushi: I wish.
-- Been on stage: No
-- Been dumped: No
-- Gone skating: No

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: I�don�t think so. I can�t remember.
-- If so, was it mixed company: I don�t remember! Ahhh!
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: I plead the fifth?
-- Been caught "doing something": Uh�what constitutes as �something�? I�ve been caught doing a lot of things and gotten away with a lot of things.
-- Been called a tease: Yes

-- Age you hope to be married: Um, funny thing�I never set a specific age.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: Two boys (Josiah Ross and Anthony Madison) and one girl (Alexandria Michelle)
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: A beach wedding <3
-- How do you want to die: Peacefully in my sleep.
-- Where you want to go to college: I told you, Simpson and U of I.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: A teacher/writer
-- What country would you most like to visit: Japan

In a girl/guy
-- Best eye color?: Gray or icy blue.
-- Best hair color?: I�m a sucker for brunettes. I just realized that the other day.
-- Short or long hair: It depends on the face shape.
-- height: I like �em taller than me.
-- Best weight: It doesn�t matter, just as long as they don�t crush me. But I seem to be a sucker for either lean or muscular men�
-- Best articles of clothing: Boxers!
-- Best first date location: Amusement park
-- Best first kiss location: On a picnic <3

-- # of drugs taken illegally: 1
-- # of people I could trust with my life: 5
-- # of CDs that I own: Over 100
-- # of piercings: Six
-- # of tattoos: None. Yet�
-- # of scars on my body: Too many
-- # of things in my past that I regret: Not many


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