More quiz results from yours truly:

What does my kissing style say about me?:
In kissing and romance, you lean toward qualities exhibited by Earth Signs -- you're incredibly sensual, you love beauty and luxury and you expect your lover to treat you like royalty, a favor that you will gladly return. You prize commitment and loyalty in a relationship; as long as your sweetie gives you no reason to be jealous, you're as sweet and happy as can be. You're not against short-and-sweet affairs, but you're really looking for something more long-term and durable. You may find a Taurus, a Virgo or a Capricorn lover to be the sexiest and most committed match for you.

What is my kissing style?
You are an enthusiastic and intense kisser. You aren't afraid to throw caution to the wind and kiss like there's no tomorrow, and you don't hesitate to make the first move when you're in the mood. Being passionate is an enviable gift -- it's no secret that passionate people enjoy great sex lives. Plus, you're obviously comfortable with your sexual side -- another enviable quality. But you may want to think about turning down the heat sometimes. With so much passion, there may be little room to make an emotional connection. While sex is important in a relationship, so is being able to relax, talk and just have fun together -- out of bed as well as in! Plus, while the majority of men love a passionate woman, remember that they like to be the sexual aggressors sometimes too.

Is there enough romance in my relationship?
Your guy's got the idea: He tries to remember important occasions and makes a good effort to do things that make you feel wanted and understood. He may, however, think that what you call "the little things" (flowers, romantic dinners) are way over the top. It's up to you to teach him that they're not. (He is not a mind reader, you know!) So share your thoughts and soon your guy could get bumped into the super-romantic category.

How strong is my relationship?
Well done. You obviously have a close and very supportive partnership. You have good communication skills, negotiate any hiccups with ease and diplomacy, and your sex life is healthy. You're not living in cloud cuckoo land because you know that every love relationship has its ups and downs and you've worked out ways to deal with them. Don't rest on your laurels though. If a life crisis strikes, or if either of you change over the years, you'll still need to work at the relationship. Remember that the best relationships need working at every day.

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