Quick update while I am sitting at my aunt's computer.

1. I am in Oregon, I will be home a week from tomorrow.

2. I miss Brandon.

3. I need a hug. My grandpa died two weeks ago..now Uncle Charlie. Sigh. Life's a bitch sometimes.

4. Casey, my dear, you would be lost without all of my bitching XD And the doll's name is Todd, I think?

5. I'm lost. Two family members I cared a lot about in two weeks. I just...wow...

6. Guys, lay off Laura. Please? I know that many of you don't like me anymore, but please? She's happy. I understand what she is going through. And although I think that she was wrong in what she did, she can't take it back now, and she's happy. And anyway, Casey has said that she now realizes what type of guy Andy is. So let Laura have him. Don't ruin friendships over a guy. Trust me, it hurts more than anything in the world.

Yeah, Allie, Emma, and Casey, you know what I mean, right? I know that our fight back in January had more to do with than a guy, but that was the main focus (two guys, really. Brandon and David). Don't let history repeat itself. We have suffered enough loss. Isn't it bad enough that the four of us aren't close anymore, and probably never will be again? Laura's a sweet girl. Sometimes she doesn't notice things right in front of her face, but she tries. Like we all do. Some of us are natural screw-ups.

What number am I on?

7. Casey, your a dear. We'll find you a nice man. I am already working on one for Emma, too.

8. I'm sad. According to some commercial on TV I am depressed. Heh. I have odd sleeping patterns, I am losing friends (when I told my mom this she laughed and said, "You didn't lose friends because you're depressed, it's because you're a bitch!" I love my mom.)

9. I hate my father. He makes me feel like I am worthless and unworthy. But I didn't cry this time. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

I will go more into this later. For now, I'm done.

Ciao. Until next time, anyway.


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