I got a new computer today, and she's beautiful. I named her Cindy. She's a cheap little PC, so I'm not really expecting much out of her, but she still works better than the age-old piece of junk I was operating on before. Plus, she can burn CD's. Gyahaha!

[It was a pain in the ass trying to transfer all of my files and music, though.]

Tonight, I have a couple of special things for all of my fans. First, I am going to share with you a series of pictures showcasing my bedroom. I just cleaned it today, you see, and I�m very proud of my work. Let�s get to that.

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First, my door. This is what�s on the outside of my door, my treasures. There is a notice (�Enter if only ye be a man of valor, for this domain is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel that no man has fought with it and lived. So, brave callers, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further for death awaits you with big, sharp, pointy teeth. Ahem. Upon entrance, you must be aware of the consequences of your actions and take the disclaimer seriously. Thank you, The Management.�), a bumper sticker (�I talk to squirrels. CHikOO, CHikOO, CHikOO.�), and my SpongeBob Squarepants poster (�Spongy Rider: Born to be weird.�).

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The inside of my door. All it holds is my �Things you learn from video games� poster and a Skip-It hanging from the doorknob.

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That�s the view of my bedroom from the doorway. Pretty? Yes. Cluttered? Definitely. I�m a packrat and proud of it. Now, let�s go clockwise around my room and focus on some of the highlights along the way.

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My closet <333 You don�t get to look inside, it�s too messy and I have too many shoes. And, yes, that is a weird looking skeleton hanging from my closet door. He�s cute, isn�t he? I stole him from the front yard this past Halloween. I love him.

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Here you can see my dresser and one of my corners. There�s also a weird little alcove where I keep part of my stereo and several little knick-knacks. In the corner there is a poster depicting Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. Oh, yeah. On my dresser you will see candles, my speakers, sake glasses, incense burners, and a bright orange hat that used to belong to my Papa. Oh, yeah, and sitting atop one of my speakers is a Bratz doll that Casey got me for my birthday.

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My new computer! <3 Cindy takes up a lot of space, but I heart her regardless. Here you can also see my Rocky Horror Picture Show and Legolas posters, my feather boa clock, and my fish tank. Also, there are pictures of Orlando Bloom, old Chryslers, and a few anime pictures.

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Let�s shift over a bit, shall we? Fish tank, blah blah blah. Next to the fish tank is my rather large jewelry box where I keep my beloved chokers and whatnot. On top of my jewelry box is my collection of, well, boxes. One of them is shaped like an elephant, but the picture is too dark to see him. You can also see the other various pictures/posters on my wall ranging from more anime to Blink 182 and Blue�s Clues. There�s a popgun hanging there, also, and my bling-bling necklace. If you will look down at the bedside table, you will see my talking Gollum <333 (and a jar of peanuts). On the floor there is a plastic crib where I keep my darling baby boy, Baby Joseph.

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And here, good friends, is the Love Nest. The black thing in the center of the bed is the camera case, and yes there are two stuffed dogs partially behind the sides of my headboard. See, whenever I roll around on my bed, the headboard smacks against the wall. It was starting to annoy me, so I stuck a couple stuffed animals on either side to stop it. So far, it�s worked. There are more pictures on the wall, of course, and on the bed is my favorite little pink pillow and stuffed bear that Brandon got me our first Valentine�s Day together.

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Getting bored yet? Good. This is the right side of my bed, everything here is pretty self-explanatory. Pictures, mountain of 120+ stuffed animals, paper lantern. That�s about it. Oh, and you get a glimpse of the home my newts reside in as well as my Happy Bunny sign book hanging by the mirror.

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The final wall. My happy wall, my shelves, more pictures. I�m going to do a few close-ups of a few things.

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My happy wall <333 A picture I drew, pictures of Brandon, pictures of Danny, Bonky, and Papa, etc.

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My shelves. Nothing to exciting, just my movies (Ranma �, Kare Kano, Legend, RHPS, etc.), my books, lotions, and other miscellaneous things that I had no idea where to put.

And that�s all for the grand tour of my room. I have, however, a couple more pictures to share.

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My Golden Retriever, Maggie. She�s my baby.

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Squeaker the fatass. She used to resemble a rat because she was so scrawny and her head so big, but now she�s grown so much that she has a fat-pouch. You can also see my foot in the bottom picture.

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Landon, my ten year old brother. He�s a little goofy, but that�s all right.

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This picture didn�t turn out well, I know, but it�s my Papa and I wanted to share him. <3 I miss him. <333

And that�s all for my showcase. I am also going to share the shenanigans of last night, but I think I will do that in an all-new entry. Huzzah!

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